Reports Articles

The Francis Effect: How Pope Francis Changed the Conversation about Global Warming

Given the Pope’s stature as a global religious leader, and the large number of Catholic Americans, we decided to assess whether the Pope’s teachings have had an influence on Americans’, particularly Catholics’, understanding, opinions, and dialogue about climate...

Public Perceptions of Climate Change: A Maryland Statewide Survey, Fall 2015

For the past three years, we have been asking Maryland residents questions about their understanding of the effects of climate change and their preferences for the state’s climate and energy policies that fall under the umbrella of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act...

Public Knowledge, Behaviors and Preferences About Energy: A Maryland Statewide Survey, Fall 2015

For the past three years, we have been asking Marylanders questions about their preferences for the state’s energy policies; their attitudes toward the energy sources they use in heating, cooling and powering their homes; and the actions they take to conserve energy...

Climate Change in the American Mind: October 2015

This report details results from our latest national survey about global warming beliefs, risk perceptions, conversations, perceived ethical dimensions, and the impact of Pope Francis on American views of global warming. Since spring 2015, the number of Americans who...

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