Journal Articles Articles

The Legacy of “Climategate:” Undermining or Revitalizing Climate Science and Policy?

In mid-November 2009, emails were removed without authorization from a University of East Anglia server and posted to the internet; within 24 hours an international scandal was born—alleging fraud by leading climate scientists—which almost immediately became known as...

A Public Health Frame Arouses Hopeful Emotions about Climate Change

Communication researchers and practitioners have suggested that framing climate change in terms of public health and/or national security may make climate change more personally relevant and emotionally engaging to segments of the public who are currently disengaged...

Information Seeking About Global Climate Change Among Adolescents: The Role of Risk Perceptions, Efficacy Beliefs and Parental Influences

Global climate change is likely to have significant impacts on public health. Effective communication is critical to informing public decision making and behavior to mitigate climate change. An effective method of audience segmentation, the risk perception attitude...

Goodbye, Listwise Deletion. Presenting Hot Deck Imputation as an Easy and Effective Tool for Handling Missing Data

Missing data are a ubiquitous problem in quantitative communication research, yet the missing data handling practices found in most published work in communication leave much room for improvement. In this article, problems with current practices are discussed and...

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