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Segmenting the climate change Alarmed: Active, Willing, and Inactive

July 27, 2021 To build public, consumer, and political will for climate action, it is essential to understand how different audiences respond to the issue. As part of this effort, our research has categorized Americans into six distinct groups – Global Warming’s Six...

Engaging Diverse Audiences with Climate Change: Message Strategies for Global Warming’s Six Americas

This chapter will appear in the forthcoming Routledge Handbook of Environment and Communication, Second Edition, Anders Hansen & Robert Cox (editors). Global climate change is viewed from a variety of perspectives by Americans, with some dismissing the danger,...

Climate Change in the American Mind, March 2021

Our latest national survey finds Americans who think global warming is happening outnumber those who think it is not by a ratio of more than 4-to-1 (70% versus 15%). Those who are “very” or “extremely” sure global warming is happening outnumber those who are “very” or...

Politics & Global Warming, March 2021

Drawing on a nationally representative survey (n = 1,037; including 922 registered voters), this report describes how Democratic, Independent, and Republican registered voters view climate and energy policies. This report is based on findings from a nationally...

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