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7. How Americans Conceptualize Global Warming

Climate Change in the American Mind, September 2021 7.1. Americans are most likely to think of global warming as an environmental and scientific issue. Global warming is a complex challenge with many dimensions. Understanding how people conceptualize the issue is...

6. Impacts of Global Warming

Climate Change in the American Mind, September 2021 6.1. Seven in ten Americans think global warming is affecting weather in the United States. Seven in ten Americans (70%) think global warming is affecting weather in the United States, including almost two in three...

5. Efficacy Beliefs

Climate Change in the American Mind, September 2021 5.1. Few Americans think it is too late to do anything about global warming. Two in three Americans (67%) either “strongly” (41%) or “somewhat” (26%) disagree with the statement that “it’s already too late to do...

4. Personal and Social Engagement with Global Warming

Climate Change in the American Mind, September 2021 4.1. Most Americans “rarely” or “never” discuss global warming with family and friends. About six in ten Americans (61%) say they “rarely” or “never” discuss global warming with family and friends, while about one in...

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