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Public understanding of climate change has grown in the U.S.

We are pleased to announce the latest version of the Climate Change in the American Mind (CCAM) interactive data visualization tool – the CCAM Explorer. The tool and accompanying dataset include the most recent year of data (ranging from 2008-2023) and enable...

What do Americans want to know about climate change?

Most Americans think global warming is happening and human-caused; however, there are important knowledge gaps and misconceptions. For example, only one in five Americans understand that nearly all climate scientists (more than 90%) agree that...

The attitude-behavior gap on climate action: How can it be bridged?

There are many ways that people can take action to reduce climate change, from personal behaviors like eating a more plant-rich diet to collective behaviors like political activism. Political activism (such as contacting government officials to express support for...

Toolkit for Health Professionals on Communicating about Climate Change and Health

Climate change presents one of the most significant global health challenges, already negatively affecting communities worldwide. Communicating the health risks of climate change and the health benefits of climate solutions is both necessary and helpful. To support...

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