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6. State and Local Government Action on Global Warming

Politics & Global Warming, April 2022 6.1. About half of registered voters say it is equally important for local governments to respond to global warming by reducing its causes and preparing for its impacts. About half of registered voters (48%) say their local...

5. Who is Responsible for Action on Global Warming?

Politics & Global Warming, April 2022 5.1. Two in three registered voters want corporations and industry to do more to address global warming. Most also want more action from citizens and government. A majority of registered voters say corporations and industry...

4. Energy Production as an Economic Issue

Politics & Global Warming, April 2022 4.1. About half of registered voters think policies that promote clean energy will improve economic growth and create jobs. About half of registered voters (52%) think policies that promote clean energy will improve economic...

3. Support for Policies to Reduce the Pollution that Causes Global Warming

Politics & Global Warming, April 2022 3.1. Most registered voters, including many Republicans, support climate-friendly energy policies. Registered voters across the political spectrum support many energy policies designed to reduce carbon pollution and fossil...

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