Six Americas Articles

Global Warming’s Six Americas and the Election, 2016

Americans hold diverse views on global warming, falling into six distinct groups – Global Warming’s Six Americas – that range in their beliefs, attitudes, policy preferences and behavior. Climate change... Download the Climate Note Here.

Faith, Morality and the Environment: Portraits of Global Warming’s Six Americas

Recent months have witnessed an evolution in public discourse on global warming. Typically discussed in the news media as a scientific, environmental or political issue, global warming is being reframed as a moral and spiritual issue by religious leaders – most...

Engaging Diverse Audiences with Climate Change: Message Strategies for Global Warming’s Six Americas

We are pleased to provide you with an adapted version of our chapter from the Routledge Handbook of Environment and Communication (2014), edited by Anders Hansen and Robbie Cox. In this chapter, we describe Global Warming's Six Americas – six unique audience segments...

Global Warming’s Six Americas in October 2014: Perceptions of the Health Consequences of Global Warming and Update on Key Beliefs

This report focuses on how each of the Six Americas understands the human health consequences of global warming as identified in the U.S. National Climate Assessment. Download the Report Here.

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